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The Church lives from the Eucharist, which is the living sign of Christ’s love for us, making present his redeeming sacrifice on the Cross. The Eucharist is Christ in his love, giving himself to us as our food and drink, to strengthen us for our journey of faith and our mission of evangelization.

First Holy Communion

“I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.


                                 ” (John 6:35)





"This is the work of God: that you believein him whom he has sent"                                


                                       (Jn 6:29)





Funeral Mass

 Mass Request

The eucharistic celebration, in which we proclaim that Christ has died and risen, and will come again, is a pledge of the future glory in which our bodies too will be glorified.        ( Sac. C. 32)



Children’s Liturgy

& Catechists

 Children of school age may take part in their own liturgy. During school term time children between the ages of 4 and 8 leave the Mass to spend time together to explore the readings of the day in a small group session.


RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults 

Maybe you are a non-Catholic Christian accompanying your family to Church and now feel drawn to become part of this community of faith. Maybe your “roots” are in another religion, or in none. Maybe you are a Baptised Catholic but never received, as a young person, the Sacrament of Confirmation.


RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults 

Maybe you are a non-Catholic Christian accompanying your family to Church and now feel drawn to become part of this community of faith. Maybe your “roots” are in another religion, or in none. Maybe you are a Baptised Catholic but never received, as a young person, the Sacrament of Confirmation.

RCIA is both a learning and teaching programme that aims to help those who would like to know more about the Christian faith from a catholic perspective and might be thinking about becoming a Catholic. 


To be a full member of the Catholic Church you need to complete the process of Christian Initiation which is when you have been Baptised, Confirmed and made your First Holy Communion.

If you are not a Catholic, but regularly come to Sunday Mass or an adult Catholic not yet confirmed, why not get in touch with the Parish Priest for an informal chat. 

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